Knitted Cotton Gloves!

Do they have Cotton gloves? Where can you get them? Do you know what are cotton gloves? Well, they help to protect our hands. Why as we don’t hurt our hands and use them for heavy duty. The construction industry needs it for its employees when they start work. Construction workers only need to wear […]

SG Cotton Glove suppliers!

What type of cotton gloves do they offer? Where to get an SG cotton glove in Singapore. We need gloves to help protect our hands when working in a harsh environment. Harsh environments can mean doing construction, engineering, or being an electrician in your job. Plus we might hurt our hands. You might a blister […]

White Cotton gloves in SG!

Where can I get white cotton gloves? Do they come in different colors? Cotton gloves help us to protect our arms. But do you know what can cotton gloves be used for other purposes? In the warehouse during working hours, sometimes employees have to wear cotton gloves when it comes to using a pen knife. […]

Buy Cotton Gloves ?

Why do I need cotton gloves and where can I go to get one for my construction job. Construction workers do their job and use excavators daily when it comes to construction work. What is another important thing that they have to ensure before proceeding to using an excavator or doing their task? It would […]

Cotton gloves

Cotton Gloves Usage Cotton gloves help to keep hands clean and protect against abrasions which can be commonly found in construction sites. It offers moderate protection against concentrated chemicals but not against sharp objects. Can you reuse them? Yes with regular maintenance, you can. Some are machine-washable but some needs to be washed by hands. […]